Selling like a boss! Go Small Jane! |
Q: What was your most treasured picture book as a child? What is your most favorite picture book now? Why?
A: Oh, this is such a good question. I have a hard time remembering what my favourite book was. But The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs comes to mind. I so desperately wanted to make my own pigs, lol.
My most favourite picture book now would have to be Once Upon A Northern Night by Jean E. Pendziwol and illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault. I love it, because it feels like home. I live in a place that is covered by snow and very cold for a better part of the year and this book embodies the quiet beauty that can exist on those long winter nights.
Bb is for bold & beautiful! |
Q: What is next for Small Jane? What new books or products can fans look forward to in the future?
A: I am coming back to work after a 2-year hiatus. In early 2020—when things were really starting to get going for Small Jane—I found out I was pregnant with twins, and my life took a slight detour (to say the least!). Until recently, my world has been dedicated to being a full-time twin baby mom. Now I find myself back at my desk looking to the future. I’m not 100% sure yet of everything I want to do, but I do know that I want to make colourful, bright, happy work. I’d love to explore the idea of making another book, but this time I think I’d like to approach publishers with ideas instead of doing it all myself. I’d also like to dive into creating more easily accessible at-home printables (I enjoy creating colouring sheets quite a bit, and hope to release more downloadable packs of those really soon). I also want to offer more art prints in my shop. Really, I just want to make happy art!
Q: Describe your most perfect Sunday.
A: My most perfect Sunday would be waking up on a beautiful, sunny, warm summer’s day. Jumping in the car with a day pack and finding a great hiking trail to spend the day exploring. There’s nothing better to me then being off in nature away from the day-to-day hustle, with a bit of quiet and bird sounds to fill my cup.
Thanks so much, Jessie, for chatting it up with us here at Bird Meets Worm! We love Small Jane Kids!