Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Super Story Time

I’m thrilled to pieces to announce the NEW monthly Super Story Time LIVE* with me—children’s book author-illustrator Jane Smith—over on Instagram EVERY second WED of the month @ 10am for kids, families, teachers, librarians and book lovers everywhere! I’ll be reading one of my picture books LIVE* + I’ll be joined by one of my fav kidlit friends, who will also be reading one of their children’s books, too. How super star is that?!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The first ever Super Story Time LIVE* is WED 2/8 @ 10am over on Instagram. I'll be celebrating the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday by reading IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY, CHLOE ZOE! And the kidlit wonder Denise Holmes will be joining me to read her adorable new board book I WHEELIE LOVE YOU!

Let's read & have fun TOGETHER!

*Always LIVE, never recorded—because 1) protecting creative copyright is important, and 2) because the old-school-Saturday-morning-cartoons-live-and-in-person energy is totally RAD!